Nurse Halloween Costume Ideas
The path to becoming a real nurse is a long, arduous journey. It is chock full of years of study and practice in college, followed by more training in the field. The work is tough, since you have to pay meticulous attention to detail and make sure that every patient receives the best care possible. Not everyone is cut out for it, but they do get to wear those really cool uniforms! Even if you’re not ready for that level of commitment to the medical field, you can still make the look work! You can always jump into the role of a nurse when you wear one of our nurse costumes. Of course, it’s never a good idea to mislead anyone into actually believing that you have the credentials of a nurse, but there’s nothing wrong with donning a nurse outfit or doctor costume for a night of fun at your next costume party. This guide will help you step into a nurse’s shoes, and you’ll find plenty of tips on what kind of outfit to choose and what kind of nurse costume accessories will work with your look.
Nurse Costume Ideas
There are plenty of different directions to take when it comes to dressing up like a nurse. Do you want to wear a sexy nurse costume? Or maybe you’re looking for something that’s a bit more historically accurate? Perhaps you want something that’s a little in-between, cute but not too revealing? Well, we’re here to let you know that there’s something for everyone! We even carry a male nurse costume, plus-size nurse costumes, and even costumes for kids, so anyone in the family can get ready to play doctor in no time. Here’s just a small sampling from the selection of nurse costumes for Halloween!
Nurse Halloween Costume

Let’s start with something that skirts the line of sexy without going too overboard. This nurse outfit has a v-neckline for a slightly sexy style, along with an over-exaggerated collar for a look that’s one part inviting and one part dangerous. Depending on what kind of accessories you add, you can decide just how sexy you want to take the look. Add some stockings and high heels to make it a naughty nurse costume, or add some of our fake medical accessories or lab coat for a look that has a more classic look.
Girl’s Nurse Costume

Kids can start early on their path to becoming a nurse with this girl’s nurse costume! This adorable child nurse costume brings all the great style of nurse costumes for adults and shrinks them down to a size that’s appropriate for your little girl. It has various Red Cross accents that show anyone exactly how committed your child is to helping those in need. The red buttons also add that tiny pop of color that will help her stand out from all the other kids in costume this Halloween. The nurse hat puts a nice finishing touch on the look.
Plus Size Nurse Costume

People come in all different shapes and sizes, and so should costumes. That’s why we have a large range of costume sizes, including this plus size nurse Halloween costume, which is a sexy look that comes in sizes up to 4X. It has the classic white dress-style, a button up front, and extra accessories. It even comes with a toy stethoscope and a headband with the medical cross symbol. You’ll have patients lining up for a routine checkup in no time!
Male Nurse Costume

Guys can suit up as a nurse, too! For a long time in medical history, it seemed as though mostly women were nurses, but times have changed. The nursing field requires people of all sexes and backgrounds to tend to the needs of the community. Of course, there are great examples in the media of male nurses, like Greg Focker from Meet the Parents. We also include Baymax from Big Hero 6 on our list of awesome male nurses and now you can dress like one, too! This male nurse costume is just the kind of costume that will help you look like your favorite male nurse.
Sexy Nurse Costume Ideas
What kind of costume store would we be if we didn’t offer sexy nurse costumes? Although these outfits might not exactly be representative of what the professionals wear, they do provide a way to live out some of your fantasies. Will you be the naughty nurse at the clinic, breaking hearts and taking names? Will you be commanding all the doctors in the hospital just with a confident look that puts them all under your control? Check out some of the sexiest nurse Halloween costumes to find the right look for you.
Naughty Nurse Costume

The first costume in our list of sexy nurse outfits is this white nurse dress. With a keyhole neckline, form-fit style, and short skirt, this costume proves to be both daring and dangerous! The costume even comes with wrist cuffs and a toy stethoscope to put the finishing touches on the look. Pair this naughty nurse outfit up with some stockings, or maybe one of our realistic wig accessories, and you’ll be ready to hit the next costume party!
Head Nurse Costume

Don’t settle for being second. Aim to be the one standing at the top of the ladder! You don’t want to be the nurse taking orders, because it’s way more fun to be the nurse who’s giving the orders. That’s what makes this head nurse costume a great choice for anyone trying to look like a worker in the medical field. This zip-style dress comes with bright red accents that really pop, along with a stylized collar. It also comes with a headpiece that lets all the other nurses know that you’re the one in charge.
Sexy Nurse Outfit

Sometimes you just need to throw subtlety out the window and that’s exactly what this slutty nurse costume does. With cut-out sides and sexy elastic cords, this costume leaves little to the imagination! Of course, sometimes that’s just the kind of thing you need to make a statement. It’s the sexy kind of outfit that you probably don’t want to wear around your grandma, but it’s perfect for a wild night out at the club or for making a house call to one of your very sick patients who needs some intensive care!
Night Nurse Costume

Not every nurse cares about the health of their patients! Some nurses just want to make your heart go haywire. This Cardiac Arrest Nurse costume gives you a style that is sure to shock more than a few hearts. The costume is a sexy black dress with deep red accents and a form fit. Make sure your patients have a strong heart when you visit them, or you may end up giving them a heart attack! Make sure you add a pair of sexy black stockings to keep your style sizzling all night long.
Movie Nurse Costume Ideas
Nurses are one of the many real-life hero occupations of the world, much like police officers and fire fighters. It’s really no surprise that nurses have been immortalized in TV and movies. From Carla Espinosa in Scrubs, to Claire Temple in the immensely popular Marvel superhero show Daredevil , these nurses are prime examples of heroic deeds. Nurses CAN play the bad guy though, too. There’s something about how much control they have over the fate of their patients that can be downright dangerous when placed into the wrong hands. Here are a couple of movie nurses who truly are the embodiment of naughty.
Joker Nurse Costume

Everyone hailed Heath Ledger’s performance in The Dark Knight as one of the best portrayals of the Joker ever. No one frazzles the Batman quite like him and we even got to see the Joker don a nurse outfit during the movie. This twisted nurse costume may help you nail that look. When you pair this costume up with a wig and some Joker makeup , you’re ready to become the agent of chaos that you were always meant to be. But, for the love of all that’s good, don’t head to any hospitals while wearing your nurse Joker costume, unless you want Batman right on your heels.
Kill Bill Nurse Costume

Another villainous nurse from the silver screen comes to us in the Quentin Tarantino’s classic film series Kill Bill. Everyone remembers the eerie tune whistled by Elle Driver and it’s a good thing that she’s not a real nurse. She might be a pretty good ninja assassin, but we wouldn’t trust her tending to our ailments, that’s for sure. This Elle Driver nurse costume is an exclusive costume, licensed from the Kill Bill films and designed by our very own costume designers. It’s a high-quality style that’s perfect for any fan of the movies. All you have to do is track down Beatrix Kiddo and exact your revenge upon her!