Posts in the Horror Category (Page 6)

Tiny Terrors: The Scariest Kids in Horror Movies [Infographic]

by |September 17, 2018
Categories: Horror, Infographics, Movies

Tiny Terrors: The Scariest Kids in Horror Movies

Children and horror movies go together like bacon on cheeseburgers. They have been haunting us for the better part of a century, but what is it about scary kids in horror movies that keeps working? Is it the loss of innocence? Is it the stark contrast of appearance versus reality? Is it the scary kid drawings of ominous things children should not be drawing? Whatever the case may be, children continue be some of the scariest elements in horror movies. With this in mind, we put together an infographic that analyzes some of the scariest children in horror movies in chronological order.


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Valak from The Nun Makeup Tutorial

by |September 7, 2018

Valak from The Nun Makeup Tutorial

If you've seen James Wan's The Conjuring 2, Valak is no stranger to you. Her creepy, sinister face will send chills up your spine and often linger around your mind for days. She's so infamous that the studio has released a movie of her own, appropriately titled The Nun. According to Fandom, Valak is also known as the Great President of Hell and has the power to summon over 30 legions of demons at his command. After reading that description, you're probably going to want to bring a pair of Pampers just in case when you see the film.


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Special Effects Makeup Tutorials to Take Your Look from Drab to Fab

by |September 4, 2018

Special Effects Makeup Tutorials to Take Your Look from Drab to Fab

If there's anything we love more than scary costumes, it would be scary Halloween makeup to match! Special effects makeup is a great addition to a plethora of costumes, so we gathered a few makeup tutorials to show you how to do your own blood and special effects makeup! In this makeup tutorial video roundup, we included videos for zombie makeup, vampire makeup, witch makeup and werewolf makeup as well as plenty of gory goodness. We can help you scare because we...

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The Highest Rated Horror Movies of All Time

by |August 15, 2018
Categories: Horror, Movies, Resource

Highest-Rated Horror Movies

In the weeks leading up to Halloween, there's always the need to break out the horror movies to get in the holiday spirit. While some choices like Hocus Pocus or Halloween are must-watch Halloween movies, there are plenty of other films in the horror genre to check out. In fact, horror films have seen a bit of a renaissance as of late. The past decade has brought a surprising amount of must-see scary films, some of which have earned high praise from horror fans and mainstream audiences alike.


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Beetlejuice Makeup Tutorial

by |March 30, 2018

Beetlejuice Makeup Tutorial

Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice! BEETLEJUICE! Just say the name three times and he will appear, ready to scare you and gross you out as well. Tim Burton's 1988 classic starring Michael Keaton as the ghost with the most himself, Beetlejuice sure burned an image into many minds. Those who were older at the time probably got a good laugh from all the ridiculous sight gags featured in the movie while kids were probably terrified out of their minds. Over the past 30 years, Beetlejuice has had quite a cult following and remained popular enough to warrant a sequel as well as a musical adaptation.


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Alien Makeup Tutorial with Torn Face Effects

by |February 23, 2018

Alien Makeup Tutorial with Torn Face Effects

Anyone who has seen Ridley Scott's 1979 classic Alien is well aware of the famous Chestbuster scene in which an alien life form literally explodes through the chest of officer Kane. The scene is one of the more shocking scenes in the film franchise, not to mention one of the most memorable in the sci-fi genre. While the alien in the scene has such an iconic look to it, it may not be the easiest thing to do in regards to a Halloween costume. The Chestbuster alien costume would require the use of a prop, a feature some people may not want to commit to for a Halloween costume. Besides, if you're going to dress up as a creature from the Alien franchise, you're most likely to wear some form of Xenomorph costume. Since those can also be bulky, we've tried out some different makeup effects to get a more practical form of the perfect organism. 


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