Posts in the Character Evolution Category (Page 6)

Star Wars Costume Evolution [Infographic]

Star Wars Costume Evolution

If there's one thing we can say about the staff at, it's that we are bona fide Star Wars maniacs. So in preparation for the year of Star Wars (it's not too early to grant that title, is it?) we've decided to channel some of our pent up excitement into reliving some oh-so-sweet nostalgia from the trilogy that started it all. First task? We’re tackling a guide to our favorite original character's costumes. We've only had a hint of what they're going to look like in The Force Awakens, so we figured it sure couldn't hurt to brush up on the details from the original trilogy. You'll find that our favorite Rebel Alliance heroes wore some interesting looks throughout the trilogy. So read, reflect, and enjoy. We hope it whets your Star Wars appetite - at least for a little bit!


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Avengers: Age of Ultron Hulkbuster Armor [Infographic]

Hulkbuster Infographic Header



May 2015, The Avengers take to the silver screen for the second time in Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron. All of the Avengers return with new toys and upgrades from the previous films, courtesy of Tony Stark- and none of those upgrades are more prevalent than Iron Man's Hulkbuster Armor. Featured in many of the previews for the film, this titantic armor is designed by Bruce Banner and Tony Stark to subdue Banner's alter-ego The Hulk. In the comics, Stark has a long history of building armors to speficially combat some of the Marvel Universe's most powerful friends and foes, and most of these armors are huge, powerful, and come with plenty of firepower. In celebration of the return of Earth's Mightest...

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Mortal Kombat: Devolution of Scorpion and Sub-Zero [Infographic]

Mortal Kombat X Infographic Header Scorpion Sub-Zero


April 14th, 2015 will mark the next milestone in a 23 year journey of the iconic fighting game Mortal Kombat, with the release of Mortal Kombat X . Since Mortal Kombat first hit arcades and home systems in 1992, it has been the subject of both ravenous fandom and intense scrutiny. No characters are more iconic than the two ninjas, Sub-Zero and Scorpion. As two of the original characters in the series, Scorpion and Sub-Zero are as old as the franchise itself - meaning they’re probably older than some of you reading this! The two ninjas started out as color-swapped versions of the same character and have since evolved to have their own unique looks, back stories, and relationships. So why don’t you ‘GET OVER HERE’ and check out this trek back through the last 23 years of Mortal Kombat...

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Dracula Retold: From Gothic Horror to Tragic Hero [Infographic]

by |October 4, 2014

Dracula Retold: From Gothic Horror to Tragic Hero

Dracula Untold, which stars Luke Evans (The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug) as the legendary vampire, makes a hero out of the classic villain. Being reimagined is nothing new for the character, who has been depicted as everything from a gothic bloodsucker to a hopeless romantic. Every actor...

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Leatherface: Man of Many Faces [Infographic]

by |September 29, 2014

Leatherface: Man of Many Faces

 The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was first released forty years ago in 1974. What nobody knew at the time was just how influential the independent film with a miniscule budget would be, or what lasting effects it would have on the horror genre. The original was followed by six other films in the...

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The Many Mutations of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [Infographic]

TMNT Evolution Infographic


The new TMNT movie already comes out next Friday? TUBULAR with a side of COWABUNGA! The turtles are looking pretty spiffy in the previews thanks to impressive CGI effects, but they sureeeee didn't always look that way. Grab yourself a slice of pizza to snack on as you scroll through our visual guide to the evolution of these radical dudes. We cover all of their looks starting from when Leo, Mikey, Raph, and Donnie, first crawled out of the sewer in 1983.


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