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Robin Williams Tribute: Group Costume DIY

by |October 19, 2015

Robin-Williams-DIY Tribute Costumes


“Well sir, I don’t know how much value I have in this universe. But I do know I made a few people happier than they would’ve been without me; as long as I know that, I’m as rich as I’ll ever need to be.”

– Robin Williams as Mork, from Mork and Mindy


Robin Williams' passing in 2014 left the world a little less bright and a little less funny. Mr. Williams was one of those rare performers who could inspire rolling laughter and flowing tears in the same scene. It is now more than one year after his tragic passing and we still miss having him around. We have always been inspired by the amazing characters that Robin Williams has portrayed over his long and robust career. In honor of this colorful cast of characters, we would like to offer up this group costume idea in honor of one of the best funnymen around.


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DIY Five Nights at Freddy's DIY Group Costume

by |October 15, 2015



Indie games have become more and more popular in recent years, but no title took the gaming community by storm like Five Nights at Freddy’s. Released on August 8, 2014, the game was such a critical success that it spawned 3 sequels (plus and upcoming RPG spinoff made by the same developer), a movie, and hundreds of YouTube videos of “Let’s plays” where you literally watch someone play the game and see their reactions to the gameplay. In Five Nights at Freddy’s, you play as a security guard that has to last through the night shift without getting caught by the haunted animatronics. You have a limited supply of power to use for the mechanical doors that keep the bad guys out and each night gets more and more difficult. Some people enjoy the eerie animation and jump scares, while others find the game is truly terrifying.

Besides the jump scares, another thing that makes the game so scary is the characters themselves! The main villains are the animatronic band at the Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza restaurant: Bonnie the bunny, Chica the chicken, and Freddy Fazbear. While each subsequent game in the franchise dives a little deeper into the story of what made these characters what they are, the simple story in the beginning is that they are left in “free-roam mode” during the night so they can wander the restaurant. They aren’t allowed to roam free during the day since an incident known as “The Bite of ‘87.” It’s also revealed that if they come across anything else moving, such as a lonely security guard, they will try to stuff them into one of the extra animatronic suits “where they belong.” Each member of the band has their own unique look, and while dressing like an animatronic may seem like a daunting task, we’re going to show you an easy way to do it with our Five Nights at Freddy’s DIY costumes!



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DIY Inside Out Bing Bong Costume [Contains Spoilers]

by |October 11, 2015

Bing Bong Header


Inside Out was one of the top kids movies of the year. Unlike Minions, which set box office records for animated movies, Inside Out was universally enjoyed by people of all ages. Everyone loved following the story of Riley and the five emotions that live inside her head controlling her: Anger, Fear, Disgust, Sadness, and Joy. However, there was one character who stole the show and his name is Bing Bong! Here's how to complete out your Inside Out group this year, with a do-it-yourself style Bing Bong costume! 


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Hope DIY Makeup Tutorial

by |October 10, 2015
Categories: Makeup Tutorials

Hope DIY Makeup Tutorial


Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was changed forever with the viral spread of a single poster: “Hope” by Shepard Fairey. The iconic image is instantly recognizable to a generation of voters, and has even been remade and repurposed for a variety of political campaigns and social causes. These traits make “Hope” an inspired DIY Halloween costume idea, but also one you rarely see. Let’s take a look at “Hope,” its background, and how we pulled it off!


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DIY Splatoon Inklings Costumes

by |October 10, 2015


The squid kids are on the offensive! Believe it or not, the hottest video game of 2015 doesn’t involve grand theft, realistic war scenarios, or zombies. Instead, it features a group of colorfully attired half human, half squid children known as Inklings. Long story short, some 12,000 years after the effects of global warming covered the Earth in water, squid and octopi have evolved into human-like forms and began fighting over territory using modified weapons that shoot colored ink. Being a Nintendo game, characters don’t die, they just get “splatted.” Also, there is no red ink, because that would look too similar to blood.

Splatoon is a fun, addictive, multiplayer game that both children and adults have embraced. With the bright colors, cool costumes, and fun game modes, Splatoon is a huge hit for Nintendo and looks to be a franchise that will be around for a long time to come. Creating a custom Inkling costume is relatively easy. We’ve put together both an Inkling boy and Inkling girl costume using a few simple costume items and accessories. Take a look at how you can easily and affordably dress up as a sassy Splatoon kid this Halloween or convention season with our...

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HA1loween Whopper Sexy Green Poop Costume DIY

by |October 9, 2015

Burger King Halloween Whopper and Sexy Green Poop Halloween Costume


Hmmm, how to broach this subject delicately...wait, the subject is sexy poop, so that's not humanly possible? Okay! In that case, better include all the poop puns we can!! Now that we understand each other, away we go: Burger King's limited edition "Halloween Whopper" has been making headlines lately, and not because of its spooky black bun. Let's say this #1 headline has more to do with...#2. That's right, those brave enough to try this festive food have reported that after consuming the burger, their poop turns GREEN! Burger King has assured consumers that the bread contains less than 1% food dye and is completely safe, but that didn't stop the hashtag #GreenPoop from blowing up on Twitter, and it sureeeee didn't stop us from parodying this whopper of a story with a Halloween costume idea! Without further a-poo, we bring you a DIY tutorial on how to create a sexy green poop Halloween costume.



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