All Posts Tagged 'diy' (Page 4)

DIY Darkwing Duck Halloween Costume For Throwback Thursday

by |October 29, 2015

Darkwing Duck Halloween Costume DIY


You’re not just an average citizen punching the clock every day. You’re the terror that flaps in the night! You’re the batteries that aren’t included! Sometimes, you’re outwitted by a highly intelligent inverse version of yourself, but you always find a way to prevail for the righteousness of St. Canard. And, of course, you regularly yell out your...

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DIY Scary Mermaid Costume & Makeup Tutorial

by |October 28, 2015

DIY Scary Mermaid


Think about mermaids for a moment. Are you picturing a shy-but-friendly woman/fish-hybrid right out of Splash or The Little Mermaid? Or maybe even that string of direct-to-video movies starring Barbie? (Which begs the question: can a doll truly “star” in a movie?) If so, you’re not alone, because these mythical creatures are often portrayed as mysterious but ultimately good at heart. But this hasn’t always been the case! For much of history, “mermaids” were seen as terrifying creatures, having been blamed for luring sailors to their watery deaths or the disappearance of entire ships! Now if that’s the type of scary mermaid you’d like to dress as for Halloween or Cosplay, keep reading to see how we did it! And stick around for tips on what to do (if anything) if you have a broken bone or other injury at Halloween.


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DIY BoJack Horseman and Princess Carolyn Couples Costume

by |October 27, 2015

Bojack Horseman and Princess Carolyn Couples Costume DIY

What came first, the creepy horse mask or BoJack Horseman? We like to think that's a theological question better reserved for the philosophers. After all, the talking horse has been a bit of a spirit animal in pop culture dating as far back as Mr. Ed and however many tons of peanut butter the poor beast chewed throughout his career. No matter the origins, or our strange fascination with talking...

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DIY Home Alone Wet Bandits Costume and Makeup Tutorial

by |October 25, 2015



Believe it or not, Home Alone came out 25 years ago, and has since become a Holiday classic. The first two films in the franchise are enjoyed by many each holiday season. Seriously, they’re on TV about 3 times a day in December; how can you NOT watch them? While the movie is a Christmas classic, the best parts come from the shock humor of the traps and tricks Kevin McCallister uses...

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DIY Powerpuff Girls Fuzzy Lumpkins and HIM Couples Costume

by |October 23, 2015

Powerpuff Villains Header.jpg


Chances are if you grew up in the 90s, you at least knew who the Powerpuff Girls were. The popular animated kids' show starred Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, 3 little girls with superpowers who fought crime in the city of Townsville (yes, that’s the real name of the fictional city the writers chose). The show debuted in the late 90s and was part of the movement that brought...

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3 DIY Snapchat Selfie Lens Makeup Tutorials

by |October 21, 2015

3 DIY Snapchat Selfie Lens Makeup Tutorials

Ten years ago, selfie wasn’t a word in our current vernacular. With time and technology updates, selfies have become prominent on social media and the internet in general. So, it’s only fitting that Snapchat’s most recent update changed the selfie game by adding lenses. For those of you who haven’t gotten the update yet, what are you waiting for?


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