All Posts Tagged 'Halloween' (Page 4)

Horror Hockey Masks: 12 Goalie Masks Inspired by Horror Movie Villains

by |October 2, 2017
Categories: Horror, Sports

Horror Hockey Masks: 12 Goalie Masks Inspired by Horror Movie Villains

We've finally reached October and Halloween will be arriving sooner than you think! Along with the greatest holiday ever, there is plenty to look forward to in the Autumn months. Things like sweatshirt weather, apple cider, pumpkin spice everything, and watching as many horror movies as possible in the days leading up to October 31st. Every year brings a brand new batch of horror movies, some good and some bad, to add to the neverending list of options to choose from. However, the most popular horror movies to binge watch tend to the be the franchises that feature iconic villains. One of the reasons is because there's so many of them. If a horror movie is successful and has a good villain, they will totally make more. This year alone, we've seen a reboot of Pennywise in the latest adapation of Stephen King's IT. 2017 has also seen or will see new entries from horror franchises including Child's Play, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Saw (which is getting it's eighth film release!).


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Haunted Hotels: A Ghost Hunter's Road Map [Infographic]

by |October 31, 2016
Categories: Horror, Infographics

Haunted Hotels Header

Planning your next vacation? This map of haunted hotels is a ghost hunter's paradise. Take a tour of the United States and stay in some of the most haunted hotels in each state. You'll have to sleep with one eye open in some of these places so we sincerely hope you don't plan on taking this time to catch up on sleep. The accounts of paranormal activity in each venue varies, but the one thing they all have in common is some of their residents have never checked out. Prepare to see apparitions, be touched in your sleep by ghostly hands, or even levitated. (Okay, that last one sounds pretty cool!) Some of these permanent occupants enjoy playing tricks and others will not hesitate to tell you to get out of their hotel. If you are feeling brave, we've created a printable map with the shortest route to visit all the hotels in the contiguous states. We also did our homework and whipped up an infographic to help you learn a little bit about each of these haunted hotels, including the spookiest rooms to request at each location, in order to best prepare you for your journey!


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Halloween Costumes for Siblings

by |October 28, 2016
Categories: Costume Guides, Family

Costumes for Siblings

Halloween is the perfect time of year to dress up the kiddos in themed outfits for their yearly trick-or-treating debut. Matching Halloween costumes for siblings might be the cutest thing we've ever seen. The peanut butter to their jelly, the peas to their carrots, the Wookiee to their Han Solo. They are the best of friends and the younger siblings want nothing more than to be like their older brother or sister. Perhaps the older children will roll their eyes, but when the littles are included, it's enough to make your heart melt. No matter if you have two kids or twelve, we've got tons of costume combinations to make this the best Halloween yet! 


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DIY Hocus Pocus Billy Butcherson Halloween Costume and Makeup Tutorial

by |October 27, 2016

 DIY Hocus Pocus Billy Butcherson Halloween Costume and Makeup Tutorial

Anyone who grew up in the 90s is sure to include Hocus Pocus in their annual Halloween watch list. It is a great movie for all ages to get into the Halloween spirit and the Sanderson sister continue to be a popular group Halloween costume year after year. Another great character to dress up as for Halloween is Billy Butcherson, Winifred Sanderson’s zombie ex-boyfriend who she raises from the dead to chase after the children who stole her witchcraft book. If you want a scary look for Halloween, check out our Billy Butcherson DIY costume and makeup tutorial below. It’s just a little Hocus...

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The Evolution of Halloween in North America [Infographic]

by |October 12, 2016
Categories: Holidays, Infographics

History of Halloween in North America Infographic

While we all know that the origins of Halloween didn't quite include Grease costumes or Fun Size Snickers, the other facts and tidbits about the best holiday's history may not be so clear. Where did "trick or treat" really originate and what was the first reference to this tradition in pop culture? Did people really put razors in candy or was that just a hoax? (And did you know that some people threw flour on unsuspecting passersby on All Hallow's Eve?!) To explain just when Halloween appeared in North America and how it evolved into the holiday we know and celebrate today, we created this infographic. We hope you enjoy... if you dare!


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13 Scary Clowns in Movies and Television [Infographic]

by |September 26, 2016
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13 Scary Clowns in Movies and Television

Why are clowns so terrifying? Is it the blood-red lips? Or the perpetually-smiling mouths? Maybe they terrified us as children, like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. For someone with a fear of clowns, often called “coulrophobia”, even the most joyful clowns are downright sinister. And even when they’re actually harmless, clowns can appear unsettling or weird. As far as we’re concerned, all clowns are scary clowns! With this in mind, we looked at the 13 of the most iconic scary clowns in movies and television, along with a number of honorable mentions.


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