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Duo Halloween Costumes for Guys [Costume Guide]

by |September 30, 2023
Categories: Costume Guides

Duo Halloween Costumes for Guys

Do you have a best bud? Maybe he’s that guy who’s right at your side at the bars, or maybe he’s that dude always laying around on your couch mooching food. Maybe he’s that guy who’s always pulling you out of a tight situation, or perhaps he’s the one who drags you into bad situations in the first place. Either way, he’s got your back no matter what. If your looking to pair costumes, whether they be strange, quirky, funny and sometimes even dorky—this guide is dedicated to famous best bud costumes!


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Creative Group Halloween Costumes for Kids

by |July 7, 2023
Categories: Costume Guides, Family

Creative Group Halloween Costumes for Kids

So your kids want to be a team for Halloween, and you're in need of a creative group costume combination to create some lasting memories. Truth is, you and your kids probably have similar Halloween goals: they have their hearts set on being an epic group, and yours is set on creating treasured memories. Luckily, we're here to help with both! From classic to cutting-edge, we have creative costume combinations that will have any group of children, and their parents, beaming with pride. Here are some winning combos that will help your kids have the best Halloween to date, while you get to sit back, relax, and enjoy the genius of your handiwork. A win-win, don't you think?


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Take the Plunge in These Polar Plunge Costumes

by |November 30, 2022
Categories: Costume Guides

Polar Plunge Costumes

It's about that time of the year again, Polar Bear Plunge season! So what is the Polar Bear Plunge—also known as the Polar Plunge? Teams across the country will jump into freezing cold water, usually to raise money for charity. If you're wondering what to wear for the Polar Plunge, rest assured that just about anything is fine. Though not a requirement, most teams will dress up in matching costumes or apparel. Since making decisions with a group can be challenging, we picked out some of the best Polar Plunge costume ideas!


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Marvel Costumes for All Ages [Costume Guide]

by |June 18, 2021

Marvel Costumes for All Ages

Superhero costumes have long been a popular theme for Halloween dress-up. Though Spider-Man has always been on top, options have only increased thanks to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And while capes, spandex, and masks have mostly been a kids' game, there are tons of Marvel costumes for adults who want to dress up as their favorite characters from the latest superhero blockbusters. If this sounds like a fun time, then we're sure you'll enjoy this guide to our favorite Marvel costumes for all ages!


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Superhero Group Costume Ideas

by |January 3, 2020

Superhero Group Costume Ideas

If you're looking for great group costume ideas, it never hurts to pick a theme. TV shows, movies, comics, you name it! However, we'd like to put in a shameless plug for superhero costumes—and here's why! Superheroes form their own teams, such as the Avengers, the Justice League, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the X-Men, just to name some of the big ones. Many groups of superheroes have large amounts of members (and former members), so you can accommodate for group costumes of practically any size! Check out these superhero group costumes that will outfit you and your friends for events from Comic-Con and Halloween to costume runs and other charity events.


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Spoiler: Fat Thor - Avengers: Endgame DIY

by |May 24, 2019

Avengers Fat Thor DIY

Avengers: Endgame came out with a bang, grossing over $1.2 billion worldwide on opening weekend. This made it the biggest worldwide opening over its predecessor Infinity War which held the previous record of $640 million. The release of the final movie in the Infinity Saga brought out many critics in regards to character evolutions, none more so than Thor who undergoes the biggest transformation of all. While some viewed this as hilarious others were outraged by the transformation into Bro Thor, accusing it of fat-shaming. He becomes the butt of many jokes throughout the movie. The Russo brothers and Chris Hemsworth, on the other hand, were delighted in how the character turned out, indicating that they had many conversations about the character arc before production began.


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