Posts in the Superheroes Category (Page 6)

Thanos Infinity War Makeup Tutorial

by |October 20, 2018

Thanos Infinity War Makeup Tutorial

Over the past decade, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has become a juggernaut of geek cinema, breaking record after box office record. If there’s been a complaint about the franchise, however, it’s been that the supervillains have been rather lackluster. Not Thanos, though. He’s a juggernaut all by himself. (Though he shouldn’t be confused with the actual Juggernaut from Deadpool 2, but let’s not mix our metaphors here.) Thanos has such a powerful onscreen presence that we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to do a makeup tutorial! So grab your liquid latex and purple makeup and follow along to our Thanos Infinity War makeup tutorial!


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Deadpool Unmasked Makeup Tutorial

by |October 6, 2018

Deadpool Unmasked Makeup Tutorial

Deadpool is a different kind of superhero. Or would that be a super-anti-hero? Let’s go with super-character. Deadpool is larger than life, even when squeezed into that spandex uniform. So if you’re planning on cosplaying or trick-or-treating as the Merc with a Mouth, it’s okay to be a little extra yourself. Consider ditching the mask and go for that gnarly unmasked look! We’ll show you how we did it in this Deadpool Unmasked makeup tutorial!


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5 Rules for Shopping for a Tween Halloween Costume

5 Rules for Shopping for a Tween Halloween Costume

If you’re a mom or a dad at your wit’s end thinking about how hard it is to make your tween happy… just remember what it was like to BE a tween. It really isn’t the most fun. You’re starting to come into your own and develop your more mature personality, but you’re still young enough that much of your life and surroundings aren’t in your control. Being patient, listening, and having a thick skin are some key pieces of advice for those who go out shopping with their tween. And don’t forget: for a pre-teenager, appearance is just as important on Halloween as it is any other day. You have to let them choose what they want the most, but they can’t forget that it should be mostly ok with mom and dad. Still not sure how to go about this? Here’s our guide for Halloween shopping for a tween.


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Where's the Phone Booth: A Breakdown of Changing Superhero Costumes in Movies [Infographic]

by |July 2, 2018

Where's the Phone Booth: A Breakdown of Changing Superhero Costumes in Movies

Marvel's Ant-Man and the Wasp is an upcoming superhero movie that is going to be coming out in theaters soon this summer, and we're very excited to see another female superhero hitting the big screen! If you happen to be one of those people who loves superhero movies but knows little about the comic books, one of the things you need to know about the Wasp is that she changes costumes all the time! (It took some research, but she probably has something in the neighborhood of over four hundred different costumed looks! Wow!) We hope she has a large walk-in closet. 


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The Evolution of Black Panther [Infographic]

The Evolution of Black Panther

52 years ago in Fantastic Four #52, Black Panther debuted as the first black superhero in mainstream American comic books. His alter ego is T’Challa, head of the Panther Tribe and king of Wakanda, a fictional African nation in the Marvel Comics universe. T'Challa was married to Storm of the X-Men for six years and, as Black Panther, fought alongside the Fantastic Four and the Avengers. The character was never as well-known as these Marvel Comics heavyweights, but that appears to be changing. Actor Chadwick Boseman was lauded for his performance as T'Challa in Captain America: Civil War, and the Black Panther solo movie is setting records for advance ticket sales.


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Justice League Throwbacks: Then and Now (Super Friends Edition)

by |November 13, 2017

Justice League: Then and Now Header Image

Are you ready to unite the league? Justice League is set to hit theaters and be one of the biggest movies of the season (that is, until a little movie called Star Wars: The Last Jedi comes out). Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman (maybe?) will be welcoming newcomers Aquaman, The Flash, and Cyborg to the team in a fight to save the world. The latest DC heroes team-up is the fifth in what has...

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