All Posts Tagged 'transformers'

The Top 10 Comic Con Costume Ideas

The Top 10 Comic Con Costume Ideas

Attention comic book fans, cosplayers, and all-around nerds: convention season is here! While San Diego Comic-Con is the greatest destination of the year for those who eat, sleep and breathe pop culture, there are so many other conventions taking place throughout the summer (and the rest of the year) that anyone can attend. Comic conventions provide an excellent opportunity for wearing cosplay costumes as your favorite characters from pop culture. We've put together a list of the 10 best costume ideas to give you all the inspiration you need when picking out your Comic-Con cosplays.


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Most Popular Halloween Costumes of 2023

by |August 4, 2023
Categories: Costume Guides

Most Popular Halloween Costumes of 2023

Halloween is the time to let your imagination run wild and dress up for trick-or-treating, spooky parties, and social media photos. Our team of experts is here to help you pick a costume that will get you recognized! Of course, Halloween costume trends change every year, but we're very good at projecting which will be on top. Keep reading to find out the most popular Halloween costumes of 2023—and later on, we'll share some details about how we predict these Halloween trends. So start thinking about what you want to be and get ready for a fun-filled Halloween!


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Pop Culture Pumpkins 2021 [Printables]

by |October 4, 2021
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Categories: Printables

Pop Culture Pumpkins 2021

Get your pumpkins and carving tools ready because it's time for our annual pop culture pumpkin stencils! This year, we've designed free printable stencils based on Among Us, Ghostbusters, Dungeons & Dragons, Marvel's Loki and Scarlet Witch, Raya and the Last Dragon, The Suicide Squad, and more! Simply print out the stencils, tape them to your pumpkins, and get to carving. Have fun and be safe!


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Adaptive Costumes to Make Halloween Accessible for Everyone [Costume Guide]

by |August 20, 2021

Adaptive Costumes to Make Halloween Accessible for Everyone

Costumes are incredibly fun for everyone. But they aren't always that easy to put on or take off, and sometimes they don't feel that comfy. Our goal is to make sure that everyone has as much fun as possible whenever they dress up in our costumes. Whether you're heading out for a night of trick-or-treating at Halloween, enjoying a movie marathon in cosplay costumes, or having a superhero dress-up day at school, everyone should be able to take part! That's why we're happy to offer several styles of wheelchair costumes and adaptive costumes, so all those events are inclusive. Scroll through to see some examples of adaptive Halloween costumes for purchase and to learn how they work!


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Sentient Vehicles: 25 Cars, Trucks, Buses, Bikes, and Trains That Can Think On Their Own [Infographic]

by |June 19, 2017

Sentient Vehicles Header

The concept of a vehicle that can act on its own has been around for decades. Movies and TV shows have often featured these characters with varying degrees of sentience, from cars that can talk and sing and interact with humans to other vehicles who are portrayed merely as self-driving, with no other personality traits. With both Cars 3 and Transformers: The Last Knight in theaters this month, there was no better time than now to create this infographic which features 25 of our very favorite sentient vehicles, dating all the way back to 1941. We’ve included Lightning McQueen and Optimus Prime, of course, but we're also sure to mention some lesser-known vehicles, such as a vampire motorcycle and a murderous semi-truck.



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