Posts in the Movies Category (Page 5)

Disney Villains Makeup Tutorials [Video Tutorials]

by |August 7, 2023

Disney Villains Makeup Tutorials

What is it about the Disney villains that we love so much? They're the bad guys, but sometimes we feel sympathetic toward them—even going so far as to root for them! You'd be mad if you were conveniently not invited to a baby shower, right? It would sting if your mirror told you what it really thought of you too. Sure, Maleficent and the Evil Queen may have overreacted a little, but who doesn't at some point? We have a trio of Disney villain makeup tutorials for you, so get ready for some Evil Queen, Maleficent, and Ursula makeup tutorials! You don't want to be one of the poor, unfortunate souls who don't use makeup to your advantage with these Disney villain costumes.


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DIY Spider-Verse Costume Ideas [DIY]

DIY Spider-Verse Costume Ideas

So you decided to wear a Spider-Man costume, but you don't want to look like everyone else. What are your options? Thankfully, there's an entire Spider-Verse of costumes waiting for you! We'll share some easier Spider-Man costumes you can make yourself by tossing a few items together. You'll feel ready to attend a Comic-Con or Halloween party in style! And remember, with great DIYing comes great costume-ability.


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The Best Alice in Wonderland Costumes on This Side of the Looking Glass [Costume Guide]

by |June 2, 2023

Best Alice in Wonderland Costumes

We’re all mad here! We’re all mad about Alice in Wonderland costumes! There are so many costumes to choose from whether you’re looking to buy costumes for Alice, the Mad Hatter, the Queen of Hearts or any of the other minor characters from the movies and books. These easy Alice in Wonderland costumes include most of the accessories you will need to look the part so there’s no hunting for single items and accessories to assemble into a costume! (We’ll still include a couple that are worthy of note.) Hop on down the rabbit hole with us as we show you some of the best Alice in Wonderland costumes!


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Pirate Costumes for All Ages [Costume Guide]

Pirate Costumes for All Ages

Ahoy, mateys! Looking to dress like a pirate for Halloween or some other costume party? Whether you're attending a swashbuckling soiree or taking the tots trick-or-treating, you've come to the right place. Our pirate costumes scream adventure! The billowing pirate shirts, the skull and crossbones patches, the eyepatches—there's just something about pirate costumes that makes them perfect for dress-up and Halloween. Arrr!


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Our Favorite Jack Black Characters

by |April 19, 2023
Categories: Movies, Television

Our Favorite Jack Black Characters

Jack Black is blowing up right now, thanks to his recent appearances in The Super Mario Bros. Movie and The Mandalorian, so it's about time that we look back at our favorite appearances of his in movies and television. We're, of course, which means we're biased towards costumes—but there are also plenty of "regular guy" Jack Black roles in here, too. Keep reading for our faves!


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These Are the Star Wars Costumes You're Looking For

Star Wars Costumes

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker! The Mandalorian! Galaxy's Edge! Star Wars is pretty much everywhere right now, not that we're complaining. We're obviously huge fans. When it's Halloween, we wear our Star Wars Halloween costumes…and when it's not Halloween they become regular ol' Star Wars costumes! We wear them to movie premieres and conventions and just because. So get comfortable and we'll show you all the most popular designs, plus an accessory or three. That's right, these are the Star Wars costumes you're looking for!


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