Posts in the Video Games Category (Page 2)

How To Throw A Mario Party...Party

by |April 7, 2023
Categories: Video Games

How to Throw a Mario Party...Party!

Themed party ideas are a lot of fun, but they also take a lot of work to coordinate! Let us help you plan the perfect Mario-themed party for your next social gathering. It doesn't even have to be Mario Day, although that would be extra awesome! If you, like us, can't think of many better ways to pass a Saturday than getting together with a group of your friends and throwing a Mario Party party, then read on. We've put together some easy cocktails, food, attire, and activity ideas to help you throw just such a "party party."


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Animal Crossing Cosplay Ideas for Nintendo Fans

by |March 16, 2020

Animal Crossing Cosplay Ideas for Nintendo Fans

Sometimes it's tough choosing your next cosplay or Halloween costume idea. You have to examine the things that you enjoy, as well as the level of difficulty. Do you like movies and TV shows? What about video games? Are you into Capcom or Nintendo? Thankfully, Nintendo fans have a lot of Nintendo costumes from which to choose. But...what if you don't want to be one of the armies of Marios or Links? You won't have to look at other video game costume ideas if you have your heart set on an Animal Crossing cosplay. Whether you're looking to go to a gaming convention or a Halloween party, all you need is a little imagination and some great costume accessories to pull off your very own Animal Crossing costume!


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The Ultimate Guide to Zombies

by |October 9, 2019

The Ultimate Guide to Zombies

Everyone likes to speculate about what they would do to survive a zombie apocalypse. Maybe you have a certain "safe spot" in mind where you can wait out the worst of it. Perhaps you practiced throwing a few vinyl records. You could even have memorized the complete list of zombie survival rules from Zombieland. Whatever the case may be, you have thought about nearly everythingbut what if the zombie apocalypse gives you abnormal zombies? With Zombieland: Double Tap coming out soon, perhaps you're already preparing to meet some mad zombies. However, do you know what to do in the event of facing off against T-virus zombies? What about Pontypool's audio-borne zombie plague? We're going to show you the ins and outs of various types of zombies so you know what to do in the event of an abnormal zombie outbreak!


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Here are the Best Minecraft Costumes in the World (We Hope You Dig Them)

by |August 26, 2019

Here are the Best Minecraft Costumes in the World (We Hope You Dig Them)

Do you need a Minecraft Halloween costume or maybe a Minecraft costume for MineCon? Or are you shopping for your favorite Minecrafter? You must have consumed a Potion of Luck because it’s your lucky day! We’ve crafted the perfect guide to Minecraft costumes for kids and adults, and we even added some accessories as a bonus. Browse through our inventory to find the texture pack—er...costume—you need!


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How to Make a Marshmello Mask DIY

by |April 12, 2019

How to Make a Marshmello Mask DIY

Marshmello is a newer player in the realm of electronic music, but his iconic look recently created a big splash when he collaborated with Fortnite to host an in-game concert in early February. A unique Marshmello skin was also produced in collaboration with the event. However, if you're looking to make your own DIY Marshmello helmet, we're going to show you how to turn a LEGO costume into Marshmello's signature mask. His appearance has appealed to many people, and Marshmello even has a YouTube channel where he shares his music and cooking skills. If you're interested in making a Marshmello costume for Halloween or a Marshmello cosplay, keep reading to see how we made Marshmello's signature white bucket helmet.


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DIY Easy Super Mario Odyssey Costumes

DIY Easy Super Mario Odyssey Costumes

Mario is one of Nintendo's most beloved characters. Over the years, he has been included in numerous games, and you're bound to see a handful of Mario costumes for Halloween and at many conventions. In one of the newest Mario games for the Nintendo Switch, Super Mario Odyssey, one of the most fun aspects of the game is the array of unlockable Mario costumes. Not only does Mario have the ability to wear other character outfits from the Mario games, but he has a variety of additional outfits, many of which had small appearances in other games. If you're looking for some fun Comic-Con cosplay ideas or you want to get more use out of a Mario costume that you already own, we're going to show you how to assemble some Super Mario Odyssey Mario outfits.


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