All Posts Tagged 'History' (Page 2)

Historical Costumes Guide: Marie Antionette in Pre-Revolutionary France

by |September 19, 2011
Categories: Historical, Resource

Learning how to make historical costumes can be useful for various events: reenactments, school plays, even book reports. For beginners, however, it’s difficult to know where to start. Elaborate dresses from movies can be wonderful sources for inspiration, but attempting one of those on a first try is as ambitious as replicating a Van Gogh without previous painting experience. Just as one needs to learn the basics of brush strokes and blending to paint, a costumer needs to learn the basic...

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7 Hollywood Pirates and their Real Life Counterparts

by |September 2, 2011
Categories: Resource

Arrrr, pirates! Romantic, dashing, full of eyeliner and dreadlocks, they have entertained us for so long we tend to forget who the real pirates were. There's more of a chance you'll know the name Jack Sparrow over Edward Teach, or Captain Hook over Christopher Newport. Even hearing the name Dread Pirate Roberts will have you bellowing "You killed my father ... prepare to die!" before you think about Bartholomew Roberts.

Since pirate garb is a time-honored costume theme for Halloween, it's time...

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Halloween Traditions Around the World

by |June 28, 2011
Categories: Resource

Halloween is a big deal in the United States, but we aren’t the first or only country to have a day celebrating all things spooky. Most cultures have an event where they pay tribute to the dead by performing traditional rituals, dressing up in costumes or throwing a huge celebration. Other festivals are more of a cleansing event – ridding their town of anything evil in preparation for a new year. Many countries, such as Ireland or Romania, have a history that provides the basis for...

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