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25 Iconic Horror Movie Weapons that Made the Cut

by |October 23, 2023
Categories: Horror, Movies

25 Iconic Horror Movie Weapons

What elements make a good horror movie? Some would say you need a good villain, a motive, and an iconic weapon. Knives are top-rated in slasher movies like Psycho and Halloween, but other horror movies set themselves apart with razors, hook hands, drills, and more. If you're interested in learning more about the tools of the trade, we compiled a list of the most iconic weapons in horror movies.


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Stephen King Bookmarks [Printables]

Stephen King Bookmarks

Stephen King is the best-selling author of more than 60 books and about 200 short stories, including horror classics like The Shining, It, Carrie, Misery, and Pet Sematary. He also writes outside the horror genre, penning stories that became The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, and Stand by Me. Some personal favorites include The Dark Tower series, The Stand, and The Eyes of the Dragon. But chances are you already know who Stephen King is and you have your own favorites.


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