All Posts Tagged 'Jumanji'

Our Favorite Jack Black Characters

by |April 19, 2023
Categories: Movies, Television

Our Favorite Jack Black Characters

Jack Black is blowing up right now, thanks to his recent appearances in The Super Mario Bros. Movie and The Mandalorian, so it's about time that we look back at our favorite appearances of his in movies and television. We're, of course, which means we're biased towards costumes—but there are also plenty of "regular guy" Jack Black roles in here, too. Keep reading for our faves!


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Robin Williams Tribute: Group Costume DIY

by |October 19, 2015

Robin-Williams-DIY Tribute Costumes


“Well sir, I don’t know how much value I have in this universe. But I do know I made a few people happier than they would’ve been without me; as long as I know that, I’m as rich as I’ll ever need to be.”

– Robin Williams as Mork, from Mork and Mindy


Robin Williams' passing in 2014 left the world a little less bright and a little less funny. Mr. Williams was one of those rare performers who could inspire rolling laughter and flowing tears in the same scene. It is now more than one year after his tragic passing and we still miss having him around. We have always been inspired by the amazing characters that Robin Williams has portrayed over his long and robust career. In honor of this colorful cast of characters, we would like to offer up this group costume idea in honor of one of the best funnymen around.


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