Posts by Jason Mattick (Page 2)

Jason Mattick
Jason Mattick

Jason is a copywriter at and he usually likes to pick a costume from the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros or from the Star Wars universe. Last year he was Daenerys Targaryen, and this year he'd very much like to be an AT-ST Walker (to finally get some revenge on those Ewoks). When he's not rewatching Game of Thrones or obsessing over canonical points in the new Star Wars flicks, he enjoys going to concerts, politicking, and rambling through remote forested regions of the country in search of Bigfoot.

Star Wars Costume Evolution: Republic Edition [Infographic]

Star Wars Costume Evolution: Republic Edition

Since our first edition of Far Far Away Fashion was so well received, the wait for a follow up might have been less than enjoyable (but still better than waiting for The Force Awakens to come out). Well, the wait is over (one of the waits, anyway...) and we're happy to present to you this Republic Edition costume guide! Straight from George Lucas's Star Wars prequels, we have broken down some of your favorite characters' main costumes.

There was a serious debate over which of Padme's 12 gazillion costume changes to include, but we tried to pick out the most memorable fashion moments. With Anakin and Obi-Wan included for good measure, we have the looks of your three favorite heroes of the Republic. Well...heroes per se. That whole Darth Vader thing with Anakin is still a bit hard to swallow.  (How did the little Ani who won our hearts with his Podracing exploits turn out to be the worst villain of all time??) You can use this infographic to check out his transformation, and it's a great way to study up on the rest of your favorite prequel looks, too!



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Star Wars Costume Evolution [Infographic]

Star Wars Costume Evolution

If there's one thing we can say about the staff at, it's that we are bona fide Star Wars maniacs. So in preparation for the year of Star Wars (it's not too early to grant that title, is it?) we've decided to channel some of our pent up excitement into reliving some oh-so-sweet nostalgia from the trilogy that started it all. First task? We’re tackling a guide to our favorite original character's costumes. We've only had a hint of what they're going to look like in The Force Awakens, so we figured it sure couldn't hurt to brush up on the details from the original trilogy. You'll find that our favorite Rebel Alliance heroes wore some interesting looks throughout the trilogy. So read, reflect, and enjoy. We hope it whets your Star Wars appetite - at least for a little bit!


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