All Posts Tagged 'video game'

57 Halloween Costumes for Blonds [Costume Guide]

by |October 3, 2023
Categories: Costume Guides

Halloween Costumes for Blonds

Greetings, golden-haired guys and gals! If you're hoping to skip wearing a wig this Halloween, you're in luck—because there are TONS of blond character costumes for women and men. Superheroes, Disney characters, celebrities, movie and TV costume favorites are all at your fingertips. Keep reading to see all the possibilities when picking the best costumes for blonds!


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Our Favorite DIY Halloween Costume Ideas [How to Halloween]

by |September 4, 2020

Our Favorite DIY Halloween Costume Ideas

There's nothing more impressive than a good DIY Halloween costume. With so many cookie-cutter costumes out there, taking the time to make or even assemble something different can make people say "WOW! Why didn't I think of that?" You may still need to buy accessories like shoes, belts and gloves, but it's great to see people wearing a Halloween costume that's exactly what they wanted. Maybe you're a fan of the unidentified alien that was cut from the Mos Eisley cantina scene. Perhaps you wanted to bring your favorite board game character to life, like Ms. Scarlet from Clue. You can even put a unique spin on a classic Halloween costume too! The sky's the limit when you harness the power of your imagination!


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Metal Gear Solid: Skin Shedder [Infographic]

Metal Gear Solid: Skin Shedder header


Metal Gear games have been around for 27 years, an impressive run for any franchise. As such, our favorite operative Snake has drastically changed over nearly three decades. (Thankfully some things have remained consistent - he still sneaks his way into the most dangerous places in the world and is known for hiding in boxes.) With the next game in the acclaimed series hitting shelves on March 18th, we decided to look under the box only to find a Snake staring back at us. Take a look at...

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DIY Grand Theft Auto 5 Costumes

by |September 24, 2013

As the most expensive video game in history, GTA 5 represents a pinnacle in the gaming industry. Luckily for us it has also provided the world with a great group Halloween costume idea! Fans looking to express their love of this bank-breaking franchise can easily form their own heist crew using our products and a few simple tips on how to put them together. Here's a preview of how freakin' awesome you and your friends can look...

Three Grand Theft Auto Costume Ideas

Abandoned warehouse is not included, but thanks to Mark Donoher...

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