Posts by Aleksandra Sobic (Page 5)

Aleksandra Sobic
Aleksandra Sobic

Aleksandra is’s brand manager and senior Mario consultant. She believes that her stature, hair, passion for pink, and reverence of cake, make her the ideal candidate to play Princess Peach on Broadway. Some additional interests include crafting, wine, correcting people’s grammar, obsessing over Jurassic Park (remember, women inherit the earth!), and brainstorming ways to make sexy costume representations of typically un-sexy pop culture characters. Donkey Kong was a breeze but Jabba the Hutt is proving formidable.

4 Geeky Christmas Trees!

by |December 18, 2013
Categories: Decor, DIY, Holidays

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, how geeky are your branches? Baubles and bangles are great for creating classically beautiful Christmas trees, but you know what's even more fun? Stormtrooper helmets, magic wands, ruby slippers, and inflatable KISS tongues! We had a blast repurposing a bunch of costumes and accessories to create 4 awesomely geektastic Christmas trees. We hope these make you giggle, guffaw, and inspire you to create a geeky tree of your own!


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DIY Meme Costume Ideas so You Can Have the Most Interesting Costume in the World

by |October 22, 2013

DIY Meme Costume Collage


Memes weren't even "a thing" a few years ago, but now they're some of the most beloved and shared content on the internet. The fact that these fun little pictures and sayings get everyone talking ONline, means that if you dress as a popular meme for Halloween, you'll have everyone talking OFFline! Here are 10 DIY costumes that will definitely help your Halloween celebration "go viral!"


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Pop Culture Pumpkin Printables

by |October 15, 2013

Printable Pop Culture Pumpkin Patterns


It’s that magical time in October when the plain orange pumpkins taking up valuable real estate on your stoop get transformed into hallowed (and hollowed) works of art! Neighborhoods have been torn asunder as a result of the “who has the cooler pumpkin” battle, so to ensure you are victorious in your annual run-in with The Joneses, we have collaborated with a master pumpkin carver to bring you 15 free printable pumpkin patterns featuring some of pop culture's most beloved characters!


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Sexy Breaking Bad and Duck Dynasty Costume Ideas

by |October 14, 2013

Sexy Breaking Bad Header Image

Besides a one Miss Miley Cyrus, Walter White and Uncle Si are undoubtedly two of the most in-demand costumes of Halloween 2013. But why should the men folk have all the fun?? We put a sexy female spin on the leading characters from Breaking Bad and Duck Dynasty with a few simple DIY steps. You can easily recreate these looks for yourselves and we'll show you how. Bring on the sexy!!


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The History of Zombies: Genre Of The Dead [Infographic]

by |October 8, 2013

The History of Zombies: Genre of the Dead

Zombie movies, zombie video games, zombie TV shows...zombie themed media seems to have infected nearly every facet of pop culture, and you know what? We wouldn't have it any other way! We have traced this genre's epidemic spread from its roots in the 1920's, all the way to present times. (Just in time for The Walking Dead season premiere this Sunday!) Just remember rule #20: It’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless it’s a sprint, then sprint! Our 'Genre of the Dead' Infographic...

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What Does The Fox Say Costumes

by |September 25, 2013


quiz what does the fox say


Even if we NEVER conclusively figure out what the fox says, we can all agree that the fox costume from from Ylvis' new hit single is gosh darn adorable! (If you're desperate, you can always ask Siri or you can Google "what does the fox say" for a full list of the lyrics.) If you dig his bushy-tailed look and want to have a Halloween outfit sure to make your friends say wo-o-o-o-o-o-ow, we can help! Don't worry she-foxes, we also included fox costume DIY ideas for the foxy female style featured in the music video.


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