All Posts Tagged 'music video'

Broken Peach "One Way Or Another" Costume Ideas

by |October 17, 2023
Categories: Costume Guides, Music

Broken Peach

Broken Peach is a "Rock&Soul" band from Spain, best known for their high-energy, choreographed videos. What we love about Broken Peach is that they get into the Halloween spirit. And we mean really into the Halloween spirit!


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DIY Katy Perry Roar Costume

by |October 19, 2013

It's one of the last weekends before Halloween and you're all geared up to do some costume crafting. You're looking for an ensemble that's easy to put together but will still make a big splash at your Halloween event. Something that says..."I'm empowered both as a woman, and as a crafter." "I have a commanding knowledge of pop culture, and I'm not afraid to show it."

DIY Katy Perry Roar Costume


If this description is hitting home (it got a little specific there for a minute...) then we have the PERFECT DIY idea...

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