The Ultimate Warrior Makeup Tutorial

by |October 5, 2019

The Ultimate Warrior Makeup Tutorial

The Ultimate Warrior was a superstar in the world of wrestling. He was known for his over-the-top energy, his stream-of-consciousness rants—Did he really come to Earth by capsule? What about having a crystal lodged in his skull?—and of course for his iconic face paint. Today we’re going to show you how to imitate the face paint design with a WWE makeup kit. What’s that sound? It’s the bell ringing, which means this match makeup tutorial is on! Let’s turn you into the Ultimate Warrior!

The Ultimate Warrior Makeup and Hair Tutorial

“The power of The Warrior will always prevail!”

The Ultimate Warrior Makeup Tutorial Transcript

Welcome to! Today on this makeup tutorial, I’m going to help you create the Ultimate Warrior.

We’re going to start out by clipping the model’s hair back. I will be using the Graftobian WWE makeup kit. With a black eyeliner pencil, I drew an outline on the nose and cheeks. Then I fill in the area with black paint. Thicken the lines if necessary. Now outline the black with green. Next outline the green with pink. After that, outline the pink with orange. And finally, outline the mask with black.

Now let’s move on to the hair. I added some powdered texture to her roots and followed that with backcombing. And finally, I fluffed her hair and set it with a strong hold finishing spray.

And now you’re ready for the ring!

Are you going as the Ultimate Warrior for Halloween? Let us know how it goes in the comments below! And remember that in addition to the WWE makeup kit, we also carry the Ultimate Warrior costume for women. You could put all of them together to form a team of Ultimate Warriors!

Wyatt Edwards
Wyatt Edwards

Wyatt Edwards is the Internet Wizard at, where he is lead editor and writes about superheroes and pop culture. He has been interviewed about costume trends by numerous entertainment and news outlets.

His past costumes include a rocket surgeon, Wikipedia, Optimus Prime, and a picnic. Yes, a picnic. Wyatt also plays Dungeons & Dragons but doesn't put on fancy costumes for that. You can find him on Twitter @whatandwyatt.

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