Posts by Angela Poch (Page 4)

Angela Poch
Angela Poch

Angela Poch is an Inbound Marketing Specialist and Resident Crazy Cat Lady at, where she is an assistant editor and covers tutorials, crafting and pop culture. Angela has created costumes and props for Halloween events, conventions and Renaissance festivals.

Some of her favorite costumes include 90s Rogue, a custom Jedi, warrior elf, and some nameless Renaissance pirate. (She’s still figuring out how to make a Jedi light-chakram.) You can find her on Twitter @AngelaPoch1 or her cats on Instagram @stardustnebulanova.

Spirit Week Ideas to Pep Up Your Style

by |February 9, 2024

Spirit Week Ideas to Pep Up Your Style

Going to school is a lot of tough work, so throwing in some fun whenever you can is important. Events like Spirit Week, where kids have themed dress-up days every day until Homecoming is one of the most well-known school events. School may also have individual Spirit Days or their own version of Spirit Week, especially in early childhood education, for events like 100 Days of School, Read Across America, Women's History Month, and more. If you're looking for school Spirit Week ideas for dress-up, we'll share some of our favorites below, along with costume ideas for students and teachers. Let's make learning fun!


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Purim Costume Ideas for Adults and Kids [Costume Guide]

by |February 2, 2024

Purim Costume Ideas for Adults and Kids

Get ready to bake some hamantaschen and make some noise. It's time for Purim! There are many great customs during the holiday of Purim, including wearing costumes. Whether you're a stickler for traditional Purim costumes or you like to let your kids pick theirs out, we have Purim costume ideas fit for the entire family.


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These Valentine's Day Costumes Will Melt Your Heart

by |January 26, 2024
Categories: Costume Guides

Valentine's Day Costumes

So Valentine's Day is coming up, and you don't just want to tell your special someone that you care, you want to show them. But how? With fun holiday costumes, of course! And if you're looking for the best Valentine's Day costumes, you've found the right spot. We've assembled some of the hottest Valentine's Day outfits that show off your feelings of love (or friendship). We've got Valentine’s Day costume ideas for men and women, so peruse these holiday suits, dresses, and accessories to find the perfect way to let you express your heartfelt connection!


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100 Days of School Costume Ideas for Kids

by |January 24, 2024

100 Days of School Costume Ideas for Kids

For many kids, the number 100 is a big milestone. Whether it's counting to 100 for the first time or realizing you just hit your 100th day of school, it's a huge deal! The actual day depends on the school district, but many schools will celebrate 100 days of school in January or February. If your child is taking part in these school festivities, they may want to wear a 100 days of school outfit. Check out our selection of centenarian costumes for kids below!


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Best Halloween Towns in America

by |October 25, 2023
Categories: Family, Resource

Best Halloween Towns in America

Halloween is one of America's favorite holidays, but who wants all the fun to fizzle out in one day? Thankfully, it's very common to find local pumpkin festivals, haunted tours, hayrides, and other fall events to keep the festivities going. Some cities go above and beyond to deliver the best Halloween experience you can imagine. Here are ten of the best Halloween towns in America! (Of course, you're bound to find others more local to you if you keep your eyes open.)


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Our Favorite DreamWorks Costumes for Halloween [Costume Guide]

by |October 24, 2023
Categories: Costume Guides, Movies

DreamWorks Costumes

While we love a good live-action movie, well-made animation is always a treat! Disney is quite famous for their animated films, but there are more studios out there that we love. For example, DreamWorks Animation gave us movies like Shrek, How to Train Your Dragon, and Kung Fu Panda. If you're pumped about wearing some DreamWorks costumes for Halloween, we have several that you should check out here!


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