All Posts Tagged 'KISS'

Costumes That Start With K [Costume Guide]

by |May 3, 2024
Categories: Costume Guides

Costumes That Start With K

Anyone keen on dressing up for fun costume themes should consider costumes by letter. Often referred to as letter parties, guests are assigned a letter that their costume should reflect, either through the luck of the draw or assignment in the invitation. Letter costumes have even been done for school spirit week! No matter the occasion, what costume would you wear for the letter "K"? Take a peek at these cool letter "K" costume ideas.


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Back to the 80s: The Best 80s Costumes

by |September 24, 2023

Back to the 80s: The Best 80s Costumes

Do you ever wish you could go back to the 80s? If you said yes, then you’re in the right place. There’s no better way to relive the best times of your life than donning a totally radical 80s costume! At, we believe that your costume is the best way to turn back time! Whether you’re at an 80s themed party, hitting the town on Halloween, or trick or treating with the family, these 80s themed costumes are a sure-fire eye-catcher anywhere you go!


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Punny Halloween Costumes You'll Find A-Moosing [Costume Guide]

by |March 23, 2018
Categories: Costume Guides, Humor

Punny Halloween Costumes You'll Find A-Moosing

Albert Einstein once said that "the pun is the most energetic form of joke". Okay, we totally just made that up, but we're sure that Al was a fan of the pun. (Probably dad jokes, too.) We love puns, which is why we put together the ultimate guide to pun costumes. Wear them to Halloween parties. Wear them to party parties. Wear them because you love being the center of attention, which you will be when you're rocking a Cereal Killer costume or a Taco Belle gown. Read on for a list of the best punny Halloween costume ideas ever!


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Rock Star Halloween Costumes

by |January 5, 2018
Categories: Costume Guides, Music

Rock Star Halloween Costumes

So you want to be a rock star for Halloween? We get it, we really do. Rock stars live interesting lives, both on stage and off. They get to fly around the world in private jets, perform in front of tens of thousands of adoring fans, and probably sleep in beds made of cash or something. If this is your dream gig, then make it happen! Get yourself a rock star Halloween costume and live it up, no talent required. Let’s take a tour through the best we have to offer!


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4 Geeky Christmas Trees!

by |December 18, 2013
Categories: Decor, DIY, Holidays

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, how geeky are your branches? Baubles and bangles are great for creating classically beautiful Christmas trees, but you know what's even more fun? Stormtrooper helmets, magic wands, ruby slippers, and inflatable KISS tongues! We had a blast repurposing a bunch of costumes and accessories to create 4 awesomely geektastic Christmas trees. We hope these make you giggle, guffaw, and inspire you to create a geeky tree of your own!


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